Tuesday 30 August 2016

Monday 29 August 2016

Ini Gerak-gerik Mencurigakan Jessica di CCTV yang Diungkapkan Saksi Ahli

Rekaman CCTV yang lebih jelas diputar dalam sidang kasus pembunuhan Wayan Mirna Salihin. Dalam rekaman CCTV tersebut, terdakwa Jessica Kumala Wongso, terlihat melakukan gerakan yang mencurigakan.

Kasubbid Komputer Forensik Puslabfor Bareskrim Polri AKBP Muh Nuh Al Azhar, selaku saksi ahli IT yang dihadirkan jaksa ke persidangan mengatakan ada beberapa kegiatan Jessica di CCTV yang mencurigakan.

"Apa yang saudara curigakan dari rekaman CCTV tersebut?" tanya hakim Binsar ke Nuh di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat (PN Jakpus), Jl Bungur Besar Raya, Rabu (10/8/2016).

Mendapat pertanyaan itu, Nuh menjawab bahwa kegiatan Jessica yang selalu menoleh ke meja 54 adalah tindakan yang mencurigakan.

"Terdakwa di ruang cocktail, dia kemudian beberapa kali menoleh ke meja 54. Dia juga duduk segaris lurus dengan CCTV dan tanaman hias hingga tubuhnya terhalangi tanaman hias," jawab Nuh.

Nuh mengatakan, kegiatan mencurigakan lainnya adalah ketika pelayan sudah meletakan tatakan menu di ujung meja lalu Jessica mengambil tatakan meja itu dan diletakan sejajar dengan paper bag.

"Kemudian kopi di depannya malah dipindah ke ujung yang akan diminum korban (Mirna)," ucapnya.

Nuh juga menilai gerakan Jessica saat tangannya ke dalam tas adalah kegiatan yang mencurigakan. Jessica terlihat tangannya beberapa kali masuk ke tas sebelum Mirna hadir.



Jessica: Saya Akan Jawab Semua Keterangan Ahli Forensik Digital

Terdakwa dalam kasus kematian Wayan Mirna SalihinJessica Kumala Wongso, mengatakan, menolak keterangan ahli forensik digital Christopher Hariman Rianto. Sebabnya, Jessica menyebut bukti rekaman CCTV yang ditampilkan bukanlah bukti yang disita penyidik.

"Terima kasih majelis hakim. Saya menolak bukti karena bukti yang ditampilkan bukan bukti yang asli," ujar Jessica dalam persidangan di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (10/8/2016).
Jessica juga menyatakan akan menjawab semua keterangan ahli tersebut pada saat pemeriksaan dirinya.
"Saya akan menjawab keterangan ahli saat saya diperiksa," kata dia. (Baca: Ahli Toksikologi: Penyebab Jessica Garuk-garuk Mungkin Sianida)
Selain menolak keterangan Christopher, Jessica juga sebelumnya keberatan dengan keterangan yang disampaikan ahli digital forensik dari Mabes Polri, AKBP Muhammad Nuh.
Pada siang tadi, Jessica juga mengatakan akan menjelaskan keberatannya pada saat dia diperiksa.
Mirna meninggal setelah meminum kopi Vietnam yang dipesan oleh Jessica di Kafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia, Rabu (6/1/2016). Jessica menjadi terdakwa kasus tersebut. JPU memberikan dakwaan tunggal terhadap Jessica yakni Pasal 340 KUHP tentang Pembunuhan Berencana. 

Ahli Toksikologi: Penyebab Jessica Garuk-garuk Mungkin Sianida

Ahli toksikologi forensik Nursamran Subandi kembali memberikan keterangan dalam sidang lanjutan kasus kematian Jessica Kumala Wongso di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (10/8/2016). Nursamran melihat tayangan CCTV yang sudah diperbesar ahli digital forensik Muhammad Nuh.

Dalam tayangan tersebut, Nursamran melihat Jessica menggaruk-garuk tangan dan pahanya dalak waktu yang cukup lama. Dia pun menyimpulkan adanya kemungkinan penyebab Jessica garuk-garuk adalah sianida.
"Karena banyak itu (garuk-garuknya) kemungkinan ada penyebab itu karena sianida," ujar Nursamran di dalam persidangan.
Meski begitu, Nursamran tidak dapat memastikan hal tersebut. Sebab, diperlukan data untuk memastikan kebenaran Jessica garuk-garuk karena sianida.
"Tapi kepastian tidak bisa, karena itu harus dengan data," kata dia.
Pada sidang pekan lalu, Nursamran sempat menjelaskan salah satu efek apabila terkena sianida, bagian tubuh akan gatal-gatal. Dia pernah merasakan sendiri hal tersebut.
Majelis hakim pun menunjukkan tayangan CCTV yang menunjukkan Jessica menggaruk tangannya. Namun, saat itu dia juga tidak bisa menyebut penyebabnya karena sianida.
Sebab, dia hanya melihat satu momen Jessica menggaruk tangannya, berbeda dengan tayangan yang dilihatnya hari ini. (Baca: Jessica Garuk Tangan karena Terpapar Sianida?)
Wayan Mirna Salihin meninggal setelah minum kopi vietnam yang dipesan Jessica Kumala Wongso di Kafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia, pada 6 Januari 2016. Kopi tersebut diketahui mengandung sianida. JPU mendakwa Jessica dengan tuduhan telah melakukan pembunuhan berencana dalam kasus itu.


Former Sydney design student accused of murdering her friend with a cyanide-laced coffee 'wanted REVENGE over comments made about an ex-boyfriend'

  • Jessica Kumala Wongso is accused of poisoning Wayan Mirna Salihin
  • She allegedly put cyanide in the victim's iced coffee at Olivier Grand Cafe
  • Prosecutors told Indonesian court she was motivated by 'revenge'
  • Wanted to avenge comments made about a former boyfriend, it's claimed
  • Wongso could face death penalty over January poisoning if found guilty 

Australian resident Jessica Wongso (at left) is accused of murdering her friend Mirna Salihin (right) by allegedly slipping cyanide into her iced coffee at a cafe in Jakarta in January. The pair were once good friends
Australian resident Jessica Wongso (at left) is accused of murdering her friend Mirna Salihin (right) by allegedly slipping cyanide into her iced coffee at a cafe in Jakarta in January. The pair were once good friends
Wongso pictured on day one of her trial. she and Ms Salihin allegedly fell out over an argument about Wongso's boyfriend at the time
Wongso pictured on day one of her trial. she and Ms Salihin allegedly fell out over an argument about Wongso's boyfriend at the time
Jessica Kumala Wongso is accused of poisoning Wayan Mirna Salihin - the former Sydney design college student was driven by 'revenge', according to prosecutors
Jessica Kumala Wongso is accused of poisoning Wayan Mirna Salihin - the former Sydney design college student was driven by 'revenge', according to prosecutors
Jessica Kumala Wongso - the woman accused of killing her friend by slipping cyanide in her iced coffee could face the death penalty in Indonesia
Jessica Kumala Wongso - the woman accused of killing her friend by slipping cyanide in her iced coffee could face the death penalty in Indonesia
The judges speak with Jessica Kumala Wongso's lawyers during her trial for the alleged murder of her friend Wayan Mirna Salihin at the Central Jakarta Court
The judges speak with Jessica Kumala Wongso's lawyers during her trial for the alleged murder of her friend Wayan Mirna Salihin at the Central Jakarta Court
Edi Darmawan Salihin (left), the father of Wayan Mirna Salihin, is seen in court during Jessica Kumala Wongso's trial for the alleged murder of her friend
Edi Darmawan Salihin (left), the father of Wayan Mirna Salihin, is seen in court during Jessica Kumala Wongso's trial for the alleged murder of her friend
Jessica Kumala Wongso sits in front of the presiding judges at her murder trial in Jakarta
Jessica Kumala Wongso sits in front of the presiding judges at her murder trial in Jakarta
Jessica Kumala Wongso consults with her lawyers during the first day of her trial
Jessica Kumala Wongso consults with her lawyers during the first day of her trial
To implement this plan, they allege Wongso reconnected with Mirna through the online messaging service WhatsApp on December 5, 2015 - one day before she arrived in Indonesia from Australia.
Sometime between December 7 and 15, the pair, along with Mirna's husband Arief Setiawan Soemarko met in a restaurant in North Jakarta

Then Wongso organised a catch-up with Mirna and another friend - Boon Juwita (known as Hani)- who also studied at Billy Blue.
On the day of the alleged murder on January 6, Wongso arrived at Olivier Restaurant in the Grand Indonesia mall well before the other women and ordered Mirna's favourite drink - an iced Vietnamese coffee

Mirna Salihin (pictured), 27, died in January after police believe her iced coffee was spiked with cyanide a few weeks after she was married to Arief Soemarko (left)
As part of the investigation Wongso participated in a police reenactment of the alleged killing at Olivier Grant Cafe earlier this year (pictured above)
As part of the investigation Wongso participated in a police reenactment of the alleged killing at Olivier Grant Cafe earlier this year (pictured above)
Jessica Kumala Wongso talks with her lawyers at the Central Jakarta Court. They have criticised the prosecution's case, saying they had not provided evidence as to where the cyanide was allegedly purchased
Jessica Kumala Wongso talks with her lawyers at the Central Jakarta Court. They have criticised the prosecution's case, saying they had not provided evidence as to where the cyanide was allegedly purchased
After it was placed on the table, she allegedly moved to the middle of the table's booth seat, placed the coffee to her right and arranged three gift bags around it so no witnesses could see the coffee.
Soon after she returned to her original seat, pushing the drink towards the middle of the table and moving the three gift bags to the side.
When Hani and Mirna arrived, she said: 'This (coffee) is for you Mir, you said you wanted (it).'
Mirna drank it, exclaiming: 'This is really not good, this is awful.'
Two minutes later, prosecutors say, Mirna collapsed.
Her head fell to the back of the sofa and she began foaming at the mouth and had a 'blank look' on her face.
Jessica Kumala Wongso is seen in a prisoner transport vehicle after her trial at the Central Jakarta Court
Jessica Kumala Wongso is seen in a prisoner transport vehicle after her trial at the Central Jakarta Court
Jessica Kumala Wongso consults her lawyers during her trial for the alleged murder of her friend Wayan Mirna Salihin at the Central Jakarta Court in Jakarta
Jessica Kumala Wongso consults her lawyers during her trial for the alleged murder of her friend Wayan Mirna Salihin at the Central Jakarta Court in Jakarta
Wongso, accused of murdering a friend by slipping cyanide into her coffee at an upmarket Jakarta cafe
Wongso, accused of murdering a friend by slipping cyanide into her coffee at an upmarket Jakarta cafe
Hani called her name and tried to wake her up but Wongso, prosecutors alleged, just sat there quietly without reacting or helping.
An autopsy later found an anomaly in her stomach caused by a corrosive agent while the amount of cyanide found in the iced coffee - 298mg - was well over the lethal dose for a woman of Mirna's size, prosecutors say.
But Wongso's legal team criticised the prosecution's case, saying they had not provided any evidence as to where the cyanide was allegedly purchased or how their client allegedly administered it into the drink.
The autopsy also didn't establish the amount of cyanide found in Mirna's body.
They argued their client had passed a lie detector test - which had not applied to any other witnesses.
'If Jessica passed the lie detector test, why is she still a suspect?' lawyer Sordame Purba asked, calling for their client's immediate release.
The matter will return to court next week. 
Wongso's legal team criticised the prosecution's case, saying they had not provided any evidence as to where the cyanide was allegedly purchased or how their client allegedly administered it into the drink
Wongso's legal team criticised the prosecution's case, saying they had not provided any evidence as to where the cyanide was allegedly purchased or how their client allegedly administered it into the drink
Wongso's legal team argued their client had passed a lie detector test - which had not applied to any other witnesses, and should be let go
Wongso's legal team argued their client had passed a lie detector test - which had not applied to any other witnesses, and should be let go
Police guard Jessica Kumala Wongso at Pondok Bambu Penitentiary in Jakarta, Indonesia on Friday
Police guard Jessica Kumala Wongso at Pondok Bambu Penitentiary in Jakarta, Indonesia on Friday